Recognizing the role of video in your marketing funnel

Sales funnels and video marketing are two effective strategies for attracting customers. When combined, they can recognize an issue, increase brand trust, and help potential customers see your good or service as the answer. Consequently, this will enhance sales consistency, raise brand awareness, and boost conversions.

Is it not possible to utilize the same video at every step?

It’s critical to engage with prospective customers at their current stage of the decision-making process. Take the time to align particular video formats with every phase of your sales funnel if you want to do it correctly. Your potential client is looking for fresh details and arguments for giving you a chance. If you make your videos suitable for every phase of the sales funnel, your content will be far more engaging.

Now, let’s get going!

The marketing funnel: what is it?

We’ll go over the marketing funnel’s processes first, and then we’ll offer some video suggestions for improving your video marketing funnel.

The funnel for marketing: Understanding and aligning your messaging with the top, middle, and bottom stages of the funnel is one of the most important elements to success. From the large audience that views your initial video advertising to those who complete the transaction, the funnel depicts the number of clients you engage with as they go down the pipeline.

At Wyse Sales Videos, we work hard to craft your videos so they meet your marketing and business goals and can be used across your sales funnel.

The Marketing Funnel’s Stages 

The top of the funnel: Hook ’em Goals: Lead generation, brand recognition, and first interest. 

Prospects initially come into contact with your brand here. At this early stage, they presumably peruse interesting topics and haven’t yet identified the project or difficulty they must solve. For this reason, the content you expose them to during this initial point of contact should inspire and educate them on subjects that are important to them.

Explainer Videos

Customers become in need of (or demand) explainer videos. We highlight the advantages of the product and how it contributes to your customer’s success in these films. It’s more important to solve the issue for your target audience than it is to emphasize the brand. Videos that explain complex concepts are excellent for raising awareness or establishing a need. The majority of the explainer movies we create follow a standard formula that consists of the following elements: the problem, the solution, the features and benefits, the current situation, and a call to action. We preserve the framework and build upon it with distinct ideas and narratives to give it a look and feel exclusive to your company.

Where does it work best? The explainer video, which appears at the fold of your homepage, can be the perfect tool for generating leads or converting visitors by providing them with pertinent information and interesting material.

Videos for Brands and Cultures

Your customers can better grasp your motivations by watching brand videos. It explores your business’s ideology in greater detail and fosters a more intimate relationship with customers. It might improve the way people perceive your brand or serve as the ideal launchpad into the market. These videos work wonders for establishing a human connection and promoting your products, services, and brand.

Your brand video can be placed at the top of your landing page, in an email campaign, or in a multifaceted social media campaign. As an alternative, you can use your brand video for internal purposes, including hiring or onboarding.

In the center of the funnel, pique their interest

Objective: Teaching, Learning

By the time potential customers get halfway through your sales funnel, they have already recognized their issues and are actively looking into fixes. Here’s where you would start presenting compelling reasons to choose your brand by outlining the benefits of signing up as a client.

Product Demo

In product films, a new product is introduced together with examples of its everyday uses. Your audience will better grasp how the product can fit into their personal or professional lives if the focus of the product film is shifted away from the who and why. The intention is to immerse the audience in the video and give them the impression that they are utilizing the goods firsthand.

Although they may be aware of your brand and your audience’s problems, they might not be aware of the ways in which your product can help them specifically. The optimal time to use this video is during the decision-making phase of your sales funnel process.

Instructional/How-To Video

These are product tours that provide users who have already expressed interest in the product or signed up for a trial with a closer look. The user may never test your product if they don’t know how to use it.

The ideal approach to providing your visitors with the information they require when engaging with your brand and needing a strong incentive to adopt your product is to host your product or tutorial video on a landing page specifically designed for that product.

At the base of the funnel: Finalize the Purchase

Objective: Justify. Buy. 

If everything goes according to plan, your leads will select your brand as their answer, making this the most important phase. As they might still have doubts, now is the time to emphasize the characteristics and advantages that set you apart from your rivals.

Demonstrations and Webinars

Since your viewers are intensely engaged at this stage of the sales funnel, your video material should be straightforward and extremely engaging. Your consumers require a little “show & tell,” whether you are introducing a new product in your suite or a new feature for one of your current products. That is precisely what your demo movies accomplish: they provide detailed explanations and examples of the main features of your solution. Consider these to be advanced “how-to” videos. You can employ long-form presentation films or webinars that go deeper into features, sub-features, and more, as you will have their full focus!

Last Words

More and more of your clients prefer to shop around and make their purchases when they’re ready. The brands that continue to succeed are those that provide them with useful, superior content as they move through these phases.

The phases of your customer’s purchasing process are described in this article, along with the kinds of video content that are most effective at each point. You must, however, determine what would appeal to your particular clientele. Please get in touch with us by clicking here if you need assistance identifying what this might be.